646f9e108c A gun blast, a flash of light, and a young woman awakens to the comfort of her own bed. Bonnie Clayton has it all, a great relationship, a challenging career, and the burden of a dream that grows more vivid and disturbing with each passing night. But when Bonnie is abducted by a sadistic stranger and his colorful entourage, she discovers that the key to her survival lies within the familiar realms of her recurring dream. Bored with Hollywood&#39;s standard methods of operation, Alex Ferrari took it upon himself to make a film on his own with a measly budget and see if he could pull it off justwellthe studios. Aside from the fact that it&#39;s only twenty minutes in length, I think he has succeeded. With only eight grand in his pocket, Ferrari found some really talented actors, a SFX team to marvel at and edited the film beautifully all with the helpful hand of his co-writer and producer Jorge F. Rodriguez. Oh, and I can&#39;t leave out the musical score. It really sounds professional and adds a lot of emotional depth to the story.<br/><br/>A woman wakes up in the middle of the night to find an intruder in her house, she is tied up and taken to a base to meet her adversary and his cronies. But there&#39;s something more to this woman than meets the…eye. What is it? Maybe what lurks in the shadows has the answer. Is it something to fear, or something to hope for? Guns and weapons abound in this suspenseful and disturbing action/thriller. To say much more than that about the plot, would spoil things. But let&#39;s take this thing apart shall we?<br/><br/>First off, the environment and effect shots. Wow! He did all this with $8000? Very impressive. The lighting is just sweet. For some reason it reminded me of places within The Matrix. Yet this setting has a feel all its own. Seriously, check out these locales. The gun fighting has a unique style and the people don&#39;t simply fall over dead when getting shot. There are interesting angles and camera movementsthe bullets fly and hit their mark.<br/><br/>Second, the characters and the actors who bring them to life. The evil Duncan is for sure the bright spot among the characters. Creepy and obviously disturbed, he really brings life to the film and is the character you really want to keep your eye on. The young girl who finds herself in this predicament is also pretty good in this role. With limited screen time (I say limited because of the length of the film), she makes the most of it and has us asking for more. There is obviously some interesting depth to her past. The one drawback to the film is the fact that there are all of these other interesting looking fellows standing around who are not explored thoroughly enough. For example, the tattooed Indian-looking fellow who gives up his guns for an obvious talent for throwing knives. Unfortunately he is dispatched before we get to see much of his talent. The same goes for a number of interesting looking &quot;gangsters.&quot; I especially liked Marquez and her duel wielding fully automatic barettas.<br/><br/>I wish there was more to the movie. It was really good but left me wanting more. More characterization, more back story and more explanationit ultimately doesn&#39;t make much sense. However, the fact that it left me wanting more, proves its remarkability. Unanswered questions are sometimes what makes a movie worthy of seeing. It gives you something to talk about afterwards. Not the usual, &quot;it was okay.&quot; There&#39;s really something to discuss while the credits role. What this movie really needs now, is a prequel. Anyone who sees this film, will pay extra for that.<br/><br/>I&#39;ve never before reviewed a short film. The only experience I have with them are the shorts before Pixar films and the few that I have caught while channel surfing past IFC. Oh, and &quot;Bambi vs. Godzilla. But I digress; although most of what is seen in &quot;Broken&quot; is not really anything new, it is new if you consider the fact that it was done so quickly and cheaply and without the help from a major studio; and done justwellHollywood, if not better, in many respects. The action sequence was directed/edited so superbly and was so much fun that it reminded me a little of the bar fight in &quot;Desperado.&quot; I hope that I explained it well enough to encourage everyone to check out this film if you can track it down. It takes less time than watching an episode of The Simpsons, but packs twice the punch. First of all, most of these reviews were obviously planted by the filmmakers themselves. I&#39;m not saying that because I&#39;m jealous, and I&#39;m not trying to be a jerk, but that&#39;s what I think. I noticed two of the reviews (there could be more) were the exact same review under two different names. Next, I don&#39;t think that this many people would bother to give that much of a glowing, wordy review.<br/><br/>Pros: The movie looks AMAZING! This is what gives indie filmmakers, like myself, hope of achieving a big-budget look. The production, costumes, locations, and shots were all great. Visually, it reminded me of Saw (which is reminiscent of Se7en). I show Broken to people, to show them the potential of the DVX.<br/><br/>Cons: There is an ending that most first-year film students are told to NEVER do: &quot;It was all a dream.&quot; It is a HUGE cop-out! To make it worse, the movie breaks the &quot;4th wall&quot; with the antagonist smiling directly at the camera. It was a moment that really didn&#39;t need to be in there. The acting was very below-average. The lead actress almost seemed like she was laughing, when she was supposed to be upset. You hear her crying, but there are absolutely no tears. The villain was EXTREMELY hammy, and didn&#39;t have an ounce of truth to his performance. The boyfriend was very flat, and I didn&#39;t feel an ounce of chemistry between him and the girl.<br/><br/>Like I mentioned, a very noble effort that, despite falling short, had a lot of heart put into it. You can see that in MANY extras that are featured on the disc. The amount of extras alone are almost worth the full price of the DVD. <br/><br/>Best of luck to these guys in the future.
Cosanonsi Admin replied
337 weeks ago